What I Do as a Proofreader

As a proofreader, my job begins towards the end of the editing process. After the line editor and copyeditor work on the structure, flow, consistency, accuracy and narrative, I serve as a fresh pair of eyes, catching the errors that slip through the cracks. When you as a writer or editor spend enough time with a text, you know what is supposed to be written and how it should sound; so it can be easy to miss the smaller mistakes.

I am someone who can dedicate all of her focus to these mistakes and ensure that your novel, manuscript, website, or blog reads smoothly and professionally.

I check spelling, grammar, punctuation, repeated/missing words, formatting, Americanisms vs Britishisms, and internal consistency and adherence to a style guide, house style, or your own personal preferences.

I can work in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or a PDF editor.

Any notes will be temporary suggestions that you can accept and reject as you see fit. Your individual style and voice will be respected and retained.

Chicago Manual of Style | New Hart’s Rules: The Oxford Style Guide

Currently learning Butcher’s Copy-editing: The Cambridge Manual for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders.

Here are some examples of how I can help you:

Proofreading Samples


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